
Asian Ethnology – Special Issue: Salvage and Salvation: Religion and Disaster Relief in Asia’ (Vol. 75, No. 1)

Author: FOUNTAIN Philip, MCLAUGHLIN Levi, DALY Patrick & FEENER, R Michael (guest eds)
Publication Date: Sep / 2016
Publisher: Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture, Nanzan University, Japan

This a special issue on ‘Salvage and Salvation: Religion and Disaster Relief in Asia’ which has recently been published in Asian Ethnology. The special issue is edited by Levi McLaughlin, Patrick Daly, Michael Feener and Philip Fountain. This concludes a four year project which began with a conference on “Salvage and Salvation: Religion, Disaster Relief, and Reconstruction in Asia” at the Asia Research Institute in Singapore on 22-23 November 2012.