CHAMPSEA Publications

Published Articles/Book Chapters

Yeoh, B.S.A., T. Lam, B.C. Somaiah and K.F. Acedera, The critical temporalities of serial migration and family social reproduction in Southeast Asia. Time & Society, 32, no. 4 (2023), 411-433, doi: 10.1177/0961463X231164473.

Somaiah, B.C. and B.S.A. Yeoh, Grandparenting left-behind children in Javanese Migrant-sending villages: Trigenerational care circuits and the negotiation of care. Geoforum, 143 (2023), doi: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2023.103767.

Yeoh, B.S.A., T. Lam, B.C. Somaiah and K.F. Acedera, The critical temporalities of serial migration and family social reproduction in Southeast Asia. Time & Society, 32, no. 4 (2023), 411-433, doi: 10.1177/0961463X231164473. 

Somaiah, B.C. and B.S.A. Yeoh, Temporal Emotion Work, Gender and Aspirations of Left-Behind Youth in Indonesian Migrant-Sending Villages. Journal of Youth Studies, 26, no. 1 (2023), 1-18, doi: 10.1080/13676261.2021.1952170.

Acedera, K.F. and B.S.A. Yeoh, The Intimate Lives of Left-Behind Young Adults in the Philippines: Social Media, Gendered Intimacies, and Transnational Parenting. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 20, no. 2 (2022), 206-219. doi: 1080/15562948.2022.2044572.

Acedera, K. and B.S.A. Yeoh, When Care is Near and Far: Care Triangles and the Mediated Spaces of Mobile Phones among Filipino Transnational Families. Geoforum, 121 (2021), 181-191, doi: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2021.02.021.

Yeoh, B.S.A., B.C. Somaiah, T. Lam and K. Acedera (2020) Doing Family in “Times of Migration”: Care Temporalities and Gender Politics in Southeast Asia. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, doi: 10.1080/24694452.2020.1723397 [Open Access]

Somaiah, B.C., B.S.A. Yeoh and S.M. Arlini (2019) “Cukup for me to be successful in this country”: “Staying” among left-behind young women in Indonesia’s migrant sending villages. Global Networks, doi: 10.1111/globl.12238. [Open Access]

Acedera, K. and B.S.A. Yeoh (2019) ‘Until Death Do Us Part’? Migrant Wives, Left-Behind Husbands, and the Negotiation of Intimacy in Transnational MarriagesJournal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2019.1592414.

Lam, T. and B.S.A. Yeoh (2019) Parental Migration and Disruptions in Everyday Life: Reactions of Left-behind Children in Southeast Asia. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 45(16): 3085-3104, doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2018.1547022. [Open Access]

Lam, T. and B.S.A. Yeoh (2019) Under One Roof? Left-behind Children’s Perspectives in Negotiating Relationships with Absent and Return-Migrant Parents. Population, Space and Place, 25(3): 1-10, doi: 10.1002/psp.2151. [Open Access]

Acedera, K., B.S.A. Yeoh and M.M.B. Asis (2018) Migrant Mothers and Left-Behind Families: The Rituals of Communication and the Reconstitution of Familyhood across Transnational Space and Time. In Transnational Migrations in the Asia-Pacific: Transformative Experiences in the Age of Digital Media, edited by C. Gomes and B.S.A. Yeoh, pp. 153-174. London: Rowman and Littlefield.

Acedera, K.A. and B.S.A. Yeoh (2019) ‘Making Time’: Long-distance Marriages and the Temporalities of the Transnational Family. Current Sociology, 67 (2): 250-272, doi: 10.1177/0011392118792927. [Open Access]

Acedera, K.A. and B.S.A. Yeoh (2018) Facebook, Long-distance Marriages, and the Mediation of Intimacies. International Journal of Communication, 12: 4123-4142.

Jordan, L.P., B. Dito, J. Nobles, and E. Graham (2018) Engaged parenting, gender, and children's time use in transnational families: An assessment spanning three global regions. Population, Space and Place, 24(7): 1-16, doi: 10.1002/psp.2159. [Open Access]

Yeoh, B.S.A., S. Huang and T. Lam (2018) Migration, Families and Households in Globalising Asia. In Handbook on Geographies of Globalisations, edited by R.C. Kloosterman, V. Mamadouh and P. Terhorst, pp. 175-186. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Acedera, K., B.S.A. Yeoh and M.M.B. Asis (2018) Migrant Mothers and Left-Behind Families: The Rituals of Communication and the Reconstitution of Familyhood across Transnational Space and Time. In Transnational Migrations in the Asia-Pacific: Transformative Experiences in the Age of Digital Media, edited by C. Gomes and B.S.A. Yeoh, pp. 153-174. London: Rowman and Littlefield.

Lam, T. and B.S.A. Yeoh (2018) Migrant mothers, left-behind fathers: the negotiation of gender subjectivities in Indonesia and the Philippines. Gender, Place and Culture, 25 (1): 104-117, doi: 10.1080/0966369X.2016.1249349. [Open Access]

Yeoh, B.S.A., S. Huang and T. Lam (2018) Transnational Family Dynamics in Asia. In Handbook on Migration and Globalisation, edited by A. Triandafyllidou, pp. 413-430. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Lam, T., S. Huang, B.S.A. Yeoh and J.O. Celero (2018) Growing Up in Transnational Families: Children’s Experiences and Perspectives. In Routledge Handbook of Asian Migrations, edited by G. Liu-Farrer and B.S.A. Yeoh, pp. 250-263. Abingdon: Routledge.

Yeoh, B.S.A. and S. Huang (2018) Family, migration, and the gender politics of care. In Routledge Handbook of Southeast Asian Development, edited by A. McGregor, L. Law and F. Miller, pp. 173-185. Abingdon: Routledge.

Hoang, L.A. (2016) Moral Dilemmas of Transnational Migration: Vietnamese Women in Taiwan. Gender and Society, 30(6): 890-911.

Hoang, L.A. (2016) Governmentality in Asian Migration Regimes: the Case of Labour Migration from Vietnam to Taiwan.  Population, Space and Place, 23(3): doi: 10.1002/psp/2019.

Hoang, L.A. (2016) Vietnamese migrant networks in Taiwan: the curse and boon of social capital. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39(4): 690-707.

Hoang, L.A. (2016) Moral Dilemmas of Transnational Migration: Vietnamese Women in Taiwan. Gender and Society, 30(6): 890-911.

Hoang, L.A. and B.S.A. Yeoh (2015) Introduction: Migration, Remittances and the Family. In Transnational Labour Migration, Remittances and the Changing Family in Asia, edited by L.A. Hoang and B.S.A. Yeoh, pp. 1-23. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.

Hoang, L.A. and B.S.A. Yeoh (2015) Transnational Labour Migration, Debts and Family Economics in Vietnam. In Transnational Labour Migration, Remittances and the Changing Family in Asia, edited by L.A. Hoang and B.S.A. Yeoh, pp. 283-310. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.

Graham, E., L. Jordan and B.S.A. Yeoh (2015) Parental migration and the mental health of those who stay behind to care for children in South-East Asia. Social Science & Medicine, 132: 225-235, doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.10.060. [Open Access]

Hoang, L.A., T. Lam, B.S.A. Yeoh and E. Graham (2015) Transnational migration, changing care arrangements and left-behind children's responses in Southeast Asia. Children's Geographies, 13(3): 263-277, doi: 10.1080/14733285.2015.972653. [Open Access]

Hoang, L.A. and B.S.A. Yeoh (2015) Children’s Agency and its Contradictions in the Context of Transnational Labour Migration from Vietnam. Global Networks, 15(2): 180-197, doi: 10.1111/glob.12057. [Open Access]

Hoang, L.A. and B.S.A. Yeoh (2015) ‘I’d Do it for Love or for Money’: Vietnamese Women in Taiwan and the Social Construction of Female Migrant Sexuality. Gender, Place and Culture,22(5): 591-607, doi : 10.1080/0966369X.2014.885892. [Open Access]

Lam, T. and B.S.A. Yeoh (2014) Long-distance fathers, left-behind fathers and returnee fathers: Changing fathering practices in Indonesia and the Philippines. In Globalized Fatherhoods, edited by M. Inhorn, W. Chavkin, J.A. Navarro, New York: Berghahn: 103-128.

Graham, E. and B.S.A. Yeoh (editors) (2013) Special Issue on Child Health and Migrant Parents in South-East Asia. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 22(3).


Articles in the Special Issue:

Graham, E. and B.S.A. Yeoh (2013) Introduction: Child Health and Migrant Parents in South-East Asia: Risk and Resilience among Primary School-Aged Children. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 22(3): 297-314. [Open Access]

Graham, E. and L.P. Jordan (2013) Does Having a Migrant Parent Reduce the Risk of Undernutrition for Children Who Stay Behind in South-East Asia? Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 22(3): 315-348. [Open Access]

Asis, M.M.B. and C. Ruiz-Marave (2013) Leaving a Legacy: Parental Migration and School Outcomes among Young Children in the Philippines. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 22(3): 349-376. [Open Access]

Jampaklay, A. and P. Vapattanawong (2013) The Subjective Well-being of Children in Transnational and Non-migrant Households: Evidence from Thailand. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 22(3): 377-400. [Open Access]

Jordan, L.P., E. Graham and D.V. Nguyen (2013) Alcohol Use among Very Early Adolescents in Vietnam: What Difference Does Parental Migration Make? Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 22(3): 401-420. [Open Access]

Lam, T., M. Ee, L.A. Hoang and B.S.A. Yeoh (2013) Securing a Better Living Environment for Left- behind Children: Implications and Challenges for Policies. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 22(3): 421-445. [Open Access]

Sukamdi and A.M. Wattie (2013) Tobacco Use and Exposure among Children in Migrant and Non- Migrant Households in Java, Indonesia. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 22(3): 447-464. [Open Access]

*The articles in this Special Issue are also available via Europe PubMed Central (

Lam, T., B.S.A. Yeoh and L.A. Hoang (2013) Transnational Migration and Changing Care Arrangements for Left-Behind Children in Southeast Asia: A Selective Literature Review in Relation to the CHAMPSEA Study. Asia Research Institute Working Paper Series No. 207, September 2013, Asia Research Institute, Singapore. [Open Access]

Yeoh, B.S.A. and T. Lam (2013) Transnational Migration in Southeast Asia and the Gender Roles of Left-behind Fathers. ARROW for Change, 19(1): 8-9. [Open Access]

Jordan, L. and E. Graham (2012) Resilience and well-being among children of migrant parents in South-East Asia. Child Development, 83(5): 1672-1688. [Open Access]

Hoang, L.A. and B.S.A. Yeoh (2012) Sustaining families across transnational spaces: Vietnamese migrant parents and their left-behind children. Asian Studies Review, 36(3): 307-325. [Accepted Version]

Hoang, L.A., B.S.A. Yeoh and A.M. Wattie (2012) Transnational labour migration and the politics of care in the Southeast Asian family. Geoforum, 43(4): 733-740. [Open Access]

Graham, E., L. Jordan, B.S.A. Yeoh, T. Lam, M. Asis and Sukamdi (2012) Transnational families and  the family nexus: Perspectives of Indonesian and Filipino children left behind by migrant parent(s). Environment and Planning A, 44(4): 793-815. [Open Access]

Yeoh, B.S.A., A.E. Lai, C. Alipio, L.A. Hoang, T. Lam and M.C.W. Lu (2012) Report for Children’s Geographies: Inter-Asia Roundtable on Transnational Migration and Children in Asian Contexts. Children’s Geographies, 10(1): 123-129. 

Hoang, L.A. and B.S.A. Yeoh (2011) Breadwinning wives and ‘left-behind’ husbands: men and masculinities in the Vietnamese transnational family. Gender and Society, 25(6): 717-739. [Accepted Version]

Graham, E. and L.P. Jordan (2011) Migrant Parents and the Psychological Well-Being of Left-Behind Children in Southeast Asia, Journal of Marriage and Family, 73, no. 4: 763-787. [Open Access]

Yeoh, B.S.A. and T. Lam (2007) The Costs of (Im)mobility: Children Left Behind and Children who Migrate with a Parent. In United Nations ESCAP, Perspectives on Gender and Migration, pp. 120-149. Bangkok: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. [Open Access]

Toyota, M., B.S.A. Yeoh and L. Nguyen (eds) (2007) Special Issue on Migration and the ‘Left Behind’ in Asia. Population, Space and Place, 13, no. 3.

Nguyen, L., B.S.A. Yeoh and M. Toyota (eds) (2006) Special Section on the ‘Left Behind’. Asian Population Studies, 2, no. 1.


Published Articles (using CHAMPSEA data)

Adhikari, R., A. Jampaklay, A. Chamratrithirong, K. Richter, U. Pattaravanich and P. Vapattanawong (2013) The Impact of Parental Migration on the Mental Health of Children Left Behind. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, online first, DOI 10.1007/s10903-013-9809-5.



Graham, E. (2019) The longer-term effects of parental migration on the psychological well-being of children. Demography Today: Fundacion BBVA Lecture Series and Postgraduate Program. Spanish National Research Council.

CHAMPSEA Philippines (2019) Rising to the Occasion: Father-carers in Transnational Families in the Philippines. Manila: Scalabrini Migration Center.



Thomas, A. and Graham, E. (2017) Using children’s drawings as a research tool in Geography.


CHAMPSEA Wave 1: Study Findings

Indonesia: East and West Java

Philippines: Bulacan and Laguna

Thailand: Lampang and Udon Thani


CHAMPSEA in the News

  1. Lam in Caritas, 22 July 2014, Supporting children of migrant parents in South-east Asia.

NUS Giving, 13 June 2012, How are the children faring - Screen Capture

OFW Journalism Consortium, 17-24 June 2011, Father-carers of two-parent migrant families in Bulacan, Laguna doing well—study

  1. Vapattanawong in Population and Development Newsletter, Volume 31, Issue 3 (February-March 2011) เมื่อ......พ่อแม่ของหนูทำงานอยู่ต่างประเทศ (When…my parents worked overseas).

ARI Newsletter, November 2010, Issue No. 24, Notes from the Field: Left-behind Families and Children of Migrants

ARI Newsletter, July 2009, Issue No. 20, CHAMPSEA Project in Vietnam

ARI Newsletter, March 2009, Issue No. 19, CHAMPSEA

ARI Newsletter, July 2008, Issue No. 17, CHAMPSEA

ARI Newsletter, March 2008, Issue No. 16, CHAMPSEA Training Meeting 1

ARI Newsletter, November 2007, Issue No. 15, CHAMPSEA Project

ARI Newsletter, March 2007, Issue No. 13, ARI-Asian Metacentre Project Meeting for Research Project, "Transnational Migration in South-East Asia and the Health of Children Left Behind" 

ARI Newsletter, November 2006, Issue No. 12, Asian Metacentre receives Wellcome Trust grant