Asian Peace Programme - Collaborations

Engaging Youth in Creating a Peaceful Future: UWCSEA-APP Peace Essay Competition winners announced June 6, 2022

30 May 2022, Singapore - UWC South East Asia (UWCSEA) and the Asian Peace Programme (APP) are delighted to announce the winners of the UWCSEA-APP Peace Essay Competition, marking the culmination of the year-long partnership between UWCSEA and the Asian Peace Programme (APP).

The partnership, initiated as part of UWCSEA’s 50th anniversary celebrations, was built on the shared organisational commitment to the understanding and promotion of enduring peace. UWCSEA’s mission is to further peace through education, while the APP, which is part of the Asia Research Institute (ARI) works to further peace through the advancement of policy discussion.

The winning essays, selected from a shortlist of 10 finalists, were assessed by a review panel comprising Distinguished Fellow Kishore Mahbubani of the ARI, Professor Kanti Bajpai and Professor Khong Yuen Foong of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. Noting the strength of the essays, as well as the breadth of issues that were covered, and the variety of solutions proposed, after comprehensive deliberation, the following three were judged as the winning essays...

The winning essay by Tanvi Kothari | The second placed entry by Kamila Hak | The third placed entry by Vanshika Anand

Shortlisted essays - Aarush Yendamuri | Aayush Garg | Ria Seth | Rudelle Dhawan | Aarushi Maheshwari | Leon Hunte

New Partnership Between U.S. & Singapore Think Tanks Centers Collaboration — not Confrontation — in U.S.-Asia Relations March 10, 2022

Today the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft and the Asia Research Institute’s Asian Peace Programme at the National University of Singapore announced a new partnership between the American and Singaporean think tanks, aimed at identifying and elevating opportunities to advance relations between U.S. and Southeast Asian nations in fostering Asian peace and mutual prosperity.

Asian Peace Programme partnership with UWCSEA October 02, 2021

The United World College of South East Asia (UWCSEA), and the National University of Singapore (NUS) Asian Peace Programme (APP) launch a partnership on the UN International Day of Peace. Together, UWCSEA and APP have established a 1-year research-based fellowship position at the APP with a focus on discussion and research about peace, peace building and conflict with a focus on ASEAN and SEA. In addition, the UWCSEA student community will participate in an essay competition which will empower the College’s students to write and publish a piece on the topic of peace.