Submission guidelines

ARIscope publishes both original research and published short articles and blog contributions (with appropriate credit) that may have been submitted as part of a panel, conference or workshop.

Submissions may include a distillation of key research findings, commentary, fieldwork notes, photo essay, an interview, researcher profile or summary of the key finding(s) from an academic workshop or conference.

To pitch an idea, send an email not exceeding 100 words to articulating the sort of article you’re interested in writing.


All articles should be written with academic rigor for a wider audience, including policy makers, the media, students, and the general public. Please make your arguments as clearly and concisely as possible.


We welcome submissions of between 700-1800 words.

  1. Title of the article (no more than 15 words)
  2. Abstract (no more than 30 words)
  3. Content (700-1800 words) excluding references.
  4. References should be in the form of hyperlinks to the online open access sources, rather than citations.
  5. Bio-note of the speaker (no more than 100 words)
  6. 5 keywords
  7. A high-resolution photo of the speaker in JEPG or PNG file (around 300 dpi, 10MB each)
  8. 2-4 images related to the article (please provide the source, so as to credit the author to avoid copyright issues)
  9. Please ensure the caption information is descriptive, informative and contains the appropriate credit.
  10. Links to your email, Institution, Twitter, LinkedIn etc, if any.


Please submit as an electronic file in MS Word (.doc /.docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) to, or via Google Doc.

Spelling and Formatting

Title in sentence case

  • Keep paragraphs short. No longer than 3-4 sentences.
  • Use headers and sub headers to break up your post.
  • Avoid big blocks of text.
  • When writing headlines be specific and indicate a benefit to the reader
  • UK English and the Collins Dictionary for spelling and punctuation.
  • For tables and figures, please follow the APA style guide.


All referencing should be in the form of hyperlinks rather than citations. Hyperlinks should point to more detailed information and, if possible, be open access. 

Avoid using footnotes or endnotes. Please integrate all content into the main body of your article. For print publications that are not online, hyperlink to the publisher’s page, worldcatISBN or ISSN number  - or provide the citation for the coordinator to incorporate.

Review process

All articles submitted for consideration by ARIscope are blind reviewed by a single reviewer. Please ensure that all identifying markers are removed from the manuscript, figures, tables and photos prior to submission. The average processing time from submission to publication in ARIscope is one month.

We aim to return articles within 1-2 weeks of submission and we ask that revised articles are re-submitted by the date requested by the reviewer.

Once accepted, your submission will be copyedited by ARI to meet the APA Style and Grammar Guidelines. Please ensure your submission adheres as closely as possible to these guidelines.

We reserve the right to make final copy edits, including formatting and title changes as necessary.

Please note that final responsibility for the content of your article, including its accuracy and that it is your own work rests with the author and not with ARI.

Authors will be notified by email when their article is published online.

Images and captions

A minimum of two and maximum of four photos/figures/tables per article is preferred, that must be creative commons licensed (or similar open licensing). Alternately, please inform the Coordinator should you require us to source images for the article.

Please include your images send them as separate JPEG or PNG files with a maximum image size of 10MB each. Please make sure that all photos are high-resolution (minimum 300 dpi). Publishing rights must be obtained for all secondary source figures, tables, photos and any other reproduced images, which must properly acknowledge the original source. Please ensure the caption information is brief, concise and contains appropriate accreditation.

Please note: Images used for photo essays may require cropping for consistency.

Creative commons

Unless otherwise specified, all ARIscope blog posts are published under a Creative Commons licence (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). This means that you are free to republish them unmodified and properly attributed, with a link to the original article. Please take care with imagery, however, as items may occasionally remain under copyright.

Terms & Conditions

All contributions are covered by the following terms and conditions:

  • You will take all reasonable steps to ensure the material isn’t defamatory.
  • Publication of submissions is entirely at the discretion of the ARIscope editorial team.
  • In submitting a contribution, you grant us a perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide licence to publish and communicate the material in any format. You also agree to permit us to allow republishing of your work by other parties, for example via a Creative Commons licence.