In conversation with Tim Bunnell

16 December 2021

0:00: Joining the Department of Geography at NUS as a Postdoctoral Fellow in 1999
1:10: Becoming Director of the Asia Research Institute (ARI) in 2019
2:10: The push for ARI to collaborate with people 'further removed from our own comfort zones'.
3:32: ARI's unique standing across the world
4:38: ARI's interdisciplinary research leadership
5:29: Building research capacity in the region - and globally
8:39: Staying attentive to new opportunities with the disruption caused by Covid-19.
9:54: Future Directions - including climate change, food security and digital humanities
11:41: ARI's place in the intellectual landscape of Asian Studies.

Tim Bunnell
Director, Asia Research Institute
National University of Singapore

Bunnell, Tim. (2021). BRI and beyond: Comparative possibilities of extended Chinese urbanisation. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 62. 10.1111/apv.12321.