Religion and Globalisation



Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs at Georgetown University

Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs at Georgetown University - This is a resource page for scholars interested in religion and world affairs, including a database on religion and development, and links to ongoing initiatives in Cambodia.

About the Center
The Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs at Georgetown University, created within the Office of the President in 2006, is dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of religion, ethics, and public life. Through research, teaching, and service, the Center explores global challenges of democracy and human rights; economic and social development; international diplomacy; and interreligious understanding. Two premises guide the Center’s work: that a deep examination of faith and values is critical to address these challenges, and that the open engagement of religious and cultural traditions with one another can promote peace.



Religions and Development Research Programme Consortium (RaD)

Religions and Development Research Programme Consortium (RaD) - Database for research papers produced by the DFID funded Religions and Development program, conducted by Carole Rakodi and team at University of Birmingham, 2005-2010.

About RaD
The Religions and Development Research Programme Consortium at the University of Birmingham (funded by the UK Department for International Development) oversees a five year project involving a series of comparative research projects to better understand the links between religion, development, and poverty reduction. Active between 2005-10, its research aims to provide knowledge to a wide range of actors about the connection between religion and development in order to benefit poor people in developing countries. The program has two overarching themes: ways religious values and beliefs influence individual action; and how religious organizations, states, societies, and economies relate to each other and influence governance and policy.



World Bank Development Dialogue on Values and Ethics (DDVE)

World Bank Development Dialogue on Values and Ethics (DDVE) – a resource page with reports, publications, and activities of this World Bank consortium

About DDVE
The Development Dialogue on Values and Ethics – is a small unit at The World Bank whose purpose is to contribute to analytical work, capacity development and dialogue on issues related to values and ethics. Founded in 2000, DDVE has traditionally served as the World Bank’s focal point on the intersection of faith and development. In addition, the unit carries a number of projects related to prominent development issues, such as the current economic crisis in Africa, with a focus on the difficult distributional trade-offs faced by various development actors in dealing with these issues.



Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development

Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development - Jerusalem based center for work on environmental sustainability

About ICSD
The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development (ICSD), based in Jerusalem, promotes and manifests an inter-religious vision for environmental sustainability by encouraging the cooperation and training of religious leaders, teachers, and communities on ecological issues.



Knowledge Center Religion and Development (KCRD)

Knowledge Center Religion and Development (KCRD) - Joint Initiative of Cordaid, Edukans, ICCO Kerk in Actie, Islamic Relief NL, Mensen met een Missie, Seva Network Foundation, DCMO Dutch Consortium of Migrant Organisations – based in Stichting Oikos

About KCRD
The KCRD advocates a vision of development which is not only based on economic and political considerations, but also takes social, ecological and cultural dimensions into account. This broad approach considers religious views and practices as well, as these may be relevant to the visions of the good life. The two central themes in this vision are pluralism and transformation.



American Academy of Religion (AAR)

American Academy of Religion (AAR) – International Development and Religion Group: A resource page listing group members and activities

About AAR
In a world where religion plays so central a role in social, political, and economic events, as well as in the lives of communities and individuals, there is a critical need for ongoing reflection upon and understanding of religious traditions, issues, questions, and values. The American Academy of Religion's mission is to promote such reflection through excellence in scholarship and teaching in the field of religion.



Center for Interfaith Action on Global Poverty (CIAGP)

Center for Interfaith Action on Global Poverty (CIAGP) - Washington DC based interfaith group engaged in global pro-poor and development activities

CIFA is committed to driving impactful interfaith action to promote behavior change through health, education and other development initiatives. We operate on the principle that faith communities are uniquely equipped to empower people to help themselves. See CIFA's Memorandum on Interfaith Action for a detailed explanation of our work and its impact.



ARI Aceh Initiative

The Asia Research Institute is developing a number of research and development initiatives in the Aceh Province of northern Sumatra in Indonesia. This reflects the interests and experiences of a number of core ARI members, and collaboration with colleagues at NUS, and across a wide range of academic and development organizations.



The International Centre for Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies

The centre serves as the institutional foundation to maintain a permanent international scholarly presence in Aceh, facilitating ongoing research on both this region, and broader thematic issues that can be fruitfully examined in the context of contemporary Aceh. Furthermore, the Centre provides a valuable resource for the Acehnese intellectual community.


Asia Centre for Social Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy (ACSEP), NUS, Singapore

ACSEP is a project housed within the NUS Business school with a mandate to be a knowledge hub on social entrepreneurship throughout Asia.


Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies (ICRS), University of Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

The ICRS has recently begun a large multi-year program on ‘Religion and Foreign Policy’ with significant funding from the US-based Henry Luce Foundation.


Centre for Political Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India

The centre has been one of the largest Centres of the School of Social Sciences. With its strongly interdisciplinary emphasis, it has on-going projects on religion and development. It has extensive networks in India which can be mobilized for collaborations with our project.


Center for Ethnic Studies and Development (CESD), Chiang Mai University, Thailand

A leading social science research institute with a strong track-record of quality research on the impact of modernization on religion in Southeast Asia.


The Center for Philosophy, University of Tokyo, Japan

The centre has an ongoing collaboration with ARI on the subject of ‘Secularization, Religion, and the State,’ and scholars involved in these discussions will contribute significantly toward the development of historically-contextualized analytic frameworks for understanding the intersections of religion and development in contemporary Asia.


The Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Kyoto, Japan

The centre has been working closely with ARI, particularly through a series of co-sponsored workshops on ‘religion and globalization’. Michael Feener is convening a roundtable of Singapore and Kyoto-based scholars to present work on post-disaster relief and development in Aceh at the 2013 ICAS conference in Macau, and these discussions will also serve to further develop new collaborative work on religion and development in the Southeast Asian region.


The Institute of World Religions, Beijing, China

It has a very active program on religion and development in China and Southeast Asia. It has organized several international conferences and has been the leading figure in the social scientific study of religion and development in different parts of Asia. It is very keen on collaborating with reputable international academic research institutes and provides support for research that is related to China and the Asian region in general.


Humanities and Development Institute, Agricultural University of China, Beijing

It has a very active program on religion and development in China and Southeast Asia. They have organized several international conferences and have been the leading figure in the social scientific study of religion and development in different parts of Asia. They are very keen on collaborating with reputable international academic research institutes and provide support for research that is related to China and the Asian region in general.


Institute of Religion and Philanthropy, The School of Philanthropy, Sun Yat-sen University, China

The leading institute on the study of NGO and civil society in China. It is building a database of NGOs and other developmental agencies in China which could be of enormous value to our project. Its recently established institute on religion and philanthropy is the first of its kind in China and has researchers that are internationally connected, extremely resourceful and keen on collaboration with ARI.


Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

A leading Southeast Asian centre for social science research, with a strong track record of research on Asian religions and development experience.