
INDONESIA STUDY GROUP – Multiscalar Politics of Palm Oil by Assoc Prof Shofwan Al Banna Choiruzzad

Date: 10 Mar 2022
Time: 10:30 - 11:30 (SGT)

Online via Zoom

Contact Person: TAY, Minghua


Dr Michelle Miller, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore


The palm oil controversy illustrates clearly that our ecological system is entangled with systems that govern the relationship between humans at different scales of governance, from transnational, international, national, to local political economy. While environmental impacts from the palm oil industry are significant and efforts to reduce emissions must consider this sector, we must also be aware of the issue is situated within webs of complicated power relations. Colonial experience, unequal power, and inconsistent behavior of rich and powerful countries, as well as unequal power relations and governance problems within the producing countries, are influencing how different actors perceive the palm oil controversy. The entanglements between human and non-human nature are further entangled in multi-scalar political economy.

Recently, palm oil sector and its controversy gained increasing attention both in academic and non-academic literatures. Unfortunately, many of these publications are looking at partial aspects or specific scales of governance, leading them to miss the connections and entanglements between different aspects and scales of governance. To fill the gap, I aim to elaborate the entanglements and connections within the multi-scalar and inter-scalar politics of palm oil. It begins with discussing the importance of palm oil controversy and how we are missing the big picture. From that point, I will elaborate the political-economic dynamics at each scale of governance: global, international, national, and local. Next, the discussion elaborates the connections and entanglements of those different scales of governance. Finally, I will define how a better understanding of these entanglements will be crucial to find a just solution for this controversial sector.


Shofwan Al Banna Choiruzzad is Associate Professor at the Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia. He also serves as Executive Secretary of the University’s ASEAN Study Center. His research interests are issues on the entanglements between multiple scales of governance: global, regional, national, and local. Shofwan looks at how local and national political economic dynamics continuously and mutually interact with the evolution in global and regional orders. His works have appeared in various academic and popular platforms, including Asia Europe Journal, Asian PerspectiveContemporary Southeast AsiaForest Policy and EconomicsAsian Politics & PolicyIndonesiaGood Governance AfricaGlobal, Nikkei Asia, The Jakarta Post, and Kompas. Apart from academic works, he also frequently assists policy makers to design better policies, especially on foreign policy issues. Shofwan also hosts a popular podcast for Indonesian youth on Indonesian perspectives on international relations, Podcast Bebas Aktif and co-founds Kontekstual Media.


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