
Doubling Down on Saudi Arabia’s Diplomacy with Asia | Ali Al Qarni

Date: 24 Apr 2024
Time: 16:00 – 17:30

Sage Room, Level 1
Shaw Foundation Alumni House
11 Kent Ridge Drive, Singapore 119244

Contact Person: TAY, Minghua

Jointly organized by Middle East Institute, and Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore.


Prof Tim Bunnell, Asia Research Institute, and Department of Geography, National University of Singapore
Ms Michelle Teo, Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore


Ms Michelle Teo | National University of Singapore
Prof Tim Bunnell
| National University of Singapore
Dr Ali Al Qarni | Prince Saud Al Faisal Institute for Diplomatic Studies
Moderated by: Ms Michelle Teo | National University of Singapore, and
Prof Tim Bunnell
| National University of Singapore
Ms Michelle Teo | National University of Singapore
17:30 END










The phrase “pivot to Asia” has been used repeatedly to describe how the Middle East—particularly the Gulf Arab states—has geopolitically shifted away from the West across the 2010s. According to the latest Asia House report, Gulf-Asia trade growth continues to “outstrip that with Western nations such as the US, UK, and the Euro area”, with China being a “key driver” of such a pivot. But economic motivations constitute just one side of the coin. Saudi Arabia, led by its ambitious Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (MbS), is determined to establish itself as a regional and global heavyweight.

Riyadh’s charge towards the driver’s seat is often described as “autonomy from” its dependence on its traditional security guarantor, Washington. However, in a recent interview with Fox News last September, the prince made it clear that regional stability remains a prerequisite for national development, as do enticing economic opportunities further abroad. On the former goal, Saudi Arabia has resumed diplomatic relations with Iran last March in a China-brokered deal. And on the latter goal, since 2018, MbS has visited India, Pakistan, China, South Korea, Thailand, embarking on an Asian charm offensive that included his attendance at key meetings such as the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in 2022 and, more recently, last October, hosting the GCC-ASEAN summit in the Saudi capital. Riyadh’s accession into the Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa group (BRICS) in 2024 will also place the country closer to Chinese decision-making and strategic thinking on global affairs.

Saudi Arabia’s conduct of interregional diplomacy signals a stance of an “autonomy to act” rather than an “autonomy from”, all rooted in national interests. What are the pull factors of Asian countries for Saudi Arabia’s foreign policy? How does the Kingdom view its working relationships and cultural considerations with Asia? Will China ever be a security partner of Riyadh? Beyond the big three—China, Japan, and South Korea—how will Riyadh engage the rest of Asia?

The Middle East Institute, in collaboration with the Asia Research Institute, will host Dr Ali Al Qarni, Head of the Asia Unit at the Saudi Diplomatic Institute, to address these questions and more.


Ali Al Qarni is Head of Asia Unit at the Prince Saud Al Faisal Institute for Diplomatic Studies (IDS). Previously he served as a senior advisor at the Prince Mohammad bin Salman Foundation (MiSK). In his diplomatic career, he was the official spokesman and head of media and communications at the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in London. He also served as the deputy head of mission, and later chargé d’affaires, at the Saudi embassy in Paris.


Please note that participation in the talk is by invitation only. If you are keen to attend, please write to Ms Tay Minghua at by 19 April. As seats are limited, in-person participation will be on a first-come, first-served basis and we will email the registration confirmation prior to the event.