
Digitizing 3D Objects in Educational Collections: A Case Study with Wayang Golek at ISI Surakarta

Date: 31 Jul 2019
Time: 16:00 - 17:30

AS8, Level 4, Seminar Room 04-04
10 Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 119260
National University of Singapore @ KRC

Contact Person: TAY, Minghua


Dr Miguel Escobar Varela, Department of English Language and Literature, National University of Singapore


Photogrammetry is the act of recording the three dimensional surfaces of objects by combining two-dimensional photographs that are taken from different angles. Although the hardware and software are now readily available, many educational facilities do not have the resources to do so. This talk outlines a workflow for digitizing physical collections by using technologies that are open-source or are available for free use to educational facilities. The process will also discuss using other open-source technologies such as the Arduino Microcontroller in order to better efficiently capture these collections.


Antonius Oki Wiriadjaja joins over 800 US citizens who will teach, conduct research, and/or provide expertise abroad for the 2018-2019 academic year through the Fulbright US Scholar Program. Prior to joining New York University (NYU) Shanghai, he was a postdoctoral research resident and adjunct faculty at NYU Tisch’s interactive telecommunications program (ITP) in New York City. He holds an MPS from NYU Tisch’s ITP and a BA from Hampshire College. Wiriadjaja’s research interests are performance, technology, and the traditional arts. Wiriadjaja performs as an actor, dancer, and musician to sold-out audiences at venues including the Kitchen, the Stone, and Lincoln Center. His work combines programming and circuit hacking to manipulate sound, video, and imagery for live performance and installations. He received the Sony Electronics Scholarship from the Tisch School of the Arts in 2012 and was named NY1’s New Yorker of the Week on August 16, 2013.

Chen Wu-Wei, PhD (Communication University of China), 2011, is Assistant Arts Professor of Interactive Media Arts and affiliated faculty of Center for Global Asia in the School of Arts and Science, NYU Shanghai. He is the author of Body As Echoes: Cyber Archiving of Dazu Rock Carvings (ISPRS Archive, vol XLII-2/W5, 121-124, 2017), co-author of Digital Cultural Heritage (ISBN: 978-3030151980. Springer, 2018), Digital Buddhology (IIAS Issue 79, Spring 2018), articles related to smart heritage, and editorial board member of Computer System Networking and Telecommunications (2018). Prof. Chen used to work on the digital documentation of selected caves and niches in the Dazu Rock Carvings. He is currently conducting field researches at the Mogao Grottoes of Dun Huang, and will focus on the tangible/intangible cultural heritage of Solo, Borobudur and Jogia in Indonesia. Research site: Prof Chen’s working experiences in the broadcast industry of New York, Taipei and university educator career at Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai allow him to conduct inter-disciplinary, cross-cultural conversations with professionals and academia. Also as a practitioner of Chinese calligraphy, he continually practices the Wei Bei script to connect with the ancient wisdom of Chinese intellectuals.


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