
ARI-MBRAS LECTURE – The Raffles Paradox: Liberal, Autocrat, or Something Else? by Tze Shiung Ng

Date: 04 Oct 2014
Time: 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

The Pod, Level 16
National Library Building
100 Victoria Street, Singapore 188064

Contact Person: YEO Ee Lin, Valerie

This lecture is brought to you by Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, and the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (MBRAS), in collaboration with the National Library Board Singapore.


Sir Stamford Raffles’s administration in the East Indies (1811-24) presents a perennial paradox to historians who have attempted to generalize British policy prior to the commercial success of Singapore. Raffles is celebrated as the liberator of trade and the native serf, but it has been next to impossible to reconcile this idea with equally valid impressions of him as an exacting monopolist, a suppressor of dissent, zealous proselytiser, and rigorous enforcer of rules and controls. How can Raffles have been both liberal and autocratic? In my talk, I suggest that the paradox is the result of an ideology present in Raffles’s thinking, which cannot be reduced to modern notions of liberalism or authoritarianism, but which originates in eighteenth-century concerns about the ethical conduct of man in society.


Tze Shiung Ng received his engineering degree from the Imperial College, London, and is by vocation an engineer. His continued interest in history, however, led him to take an MA with the University of Leeds, and he now researches for a PhD with the Australian National University.


Admission is free, however, registration is required. Kindly register early as seats are available on a first come, first served basis. We would greatly appreciate it if you write to Valerie via email at


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