
Asia’s Wet Natures: Past, Present, and Future

Date: 28 Oct 2021 - 29 Oct 2021

Online via Zoom

Contact Person: TAY, Minghua

Organised by Yale-NUS College, and supported by NUS Libraries and Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore

Water—the fluid substance that permeates bodies, landscapes, and the air—is gaining new kinds of material force today. In some places, there is either too little of it, with dying aquifers, or too much, as extreme rainfall floods cities. Yet other places face abundance and lack simultaneously as seas rise and mangrove-rich shores are reclaimed to make room for development. This workshop thinks with “water”—as method, source, and archive—to explore the past, present, and future of Asia’s wet natures. In particular, it aims to cultivate an interdisciplinary conversation about the lives and legacies of water through questions such as: How can ecological pasts and transboundary futures be rethought or reframed as water abandons or occupies new geographies and economic spaces? How can approaches to art, science, and conservation be used to restore critical understandings of intertidal habitats and how do these approaches rest against the rising tide of intensive infrastructural interventions? In what ways do aquatic biota—and their the more-than-human-worlds—weave into evolving urban landscapes and environmental imaginaries? How are the contours and memories of coastlines, rivers, and islands altered due to climate change, reclamation, and migration? While anchored in specific times and particular places, this workshop seeks to bring together narratives, stories, insights, and practices that speak to larger questions about Asia’s watery pasts and its aqueous horizons.


Asst Prof Anthony D. Medrano
Yale-NUS College, Singapore

Asst Prof Chitra Venkataramani
Department of Sociology, National University of Singapore


Please click on the following links if you would like to attend the event on the respective days:
Day 1 |
Day 2 |