
Digital Citizenship in Asia

Date: 12 Oct 2018
Time: 9:30 - 17:30

AS8, Level 4, Seminar Room 04-04
10 Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 119260
National University of Singapore @ KRC


This event is hosted, convened and co-funded by the Cultural Research Centre (a new research incubator in the Department of Communications and New Media, National University of Singapore), in partnership with the Asian Cultural Research Network (School of Culture and Communication, The University of Melbourne), the Department of Humanities and Creative Writing (Hong Kong Baptist University), and the Asia Research Institute (National University of Singapore). 

In the past two decades, the study of digital citizenship has emerged as an important site of study in the field of communications and new media. Studies on the concept has developed from focusing on normative ideas on citizenship to a more multidimensional, non-linear understanding (Coleman, 2006; Choi, 2016), seen as ‘a fluid interface’ remaking the idea of citizenship (Vivienne, McCosker, Johns, 2016). Youth, in particular has emerged as key players. However, research on youth and digital citizenship tended to focus on youth living in developed Western countries with more ‘stable’ democratic and civic engagements. The Digital Citizenship in Asia Seminar aims to work out how youth in Asian societies are actively participating and engaging in digital citizenship. The speakers will be presenting their research on youth and their forms of engagement with digital citizenship in China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Singapore, and the Philippines.


Prof Audrey Yue (National University of Singapore)
Prof John N. Erni (Hong Kong Baptist University)
Assoc Prof Fran Martin (University of Melbourne)
Assoc Prof Tracey Skelton (National University of Singapore)
Assoc Prof Weiyu Zhang (National University of Singapore)
Dr Elmie Nekmat (National University of Singapore)
Dr Natalie Pang (National University of Singapore)
Mr Cleve Arguelles (University of the Philippines Manila)
Dr Annisa R. Beta (National University of Singapore)


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