
Exploring Collaborative Research Opportunities at the Intersection of Family, Gender and Social Change

Date: 26 Aug 2015
Time: 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Graduate Studies Meeting Room, AS7 #06-03
5 Arts Link, Shaw Foundation Building, Singapore 117570
National University of Singapore @ KRC


Jointly organized by Asia Research Institute, and Centre for Family and Population Research, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore.

Southeast Asia is experiencing remarkable social and demographic changes which have the potential to profoundly alter gender-based roles and resources within families and society; intergenerational relationships, support and caregiving; and family life course transitions into (and out of) marital and parental roles. Increasing levels of cross-border mobility in the region introduce additional, novel changes and challenges to family life in both migrant sending and receiving communities. Opportunities for innovative research at the intersection of family, gender and development are many. This research will likely be enriched by engaging collaborative, interdisciplinary and international teams of researchers.


Admission is free. Please register at by 25 August 2015.