
Family Complexity and Intergenerational Relations by Prof Frank F. Furstenburg

Date: 26 Apr 2013
Time: 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Research Division Seminar Room (AS7-06-42)
Level 6 – The Shaw Foundation Building
National University of Singapore @ Kent Ridge


This seminar is jointly organised by the Asia Research Institute, and the Family, Children and Youth Cluster of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Department of Sociology, National University of Singapore


Assoc Prof Thang Leng Leng, Department of Japanese Studies, National University of Singapore.


Professor Furstenburg will be talking about his on-going work on intergenerational relations in light of the huge family changes that are taking place in the West. At the same time, he will raise some issues for those studying the changing family in Asia that are built on his talk on 10th of April 2013 – The Transition to Adulthood in the West: Some Potential “Lessons” and Dilemmas for Asia.


Frank F. Furstenburg, Jr is the Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Research Associate in the Polulation Studies Center at the University of Pennsylvania. His interest in the American Family began at Columbia University where he received his Phd in 1967. His most recent book is Destinies of Disadvantaged: The Politics of Teenage Childbearing (2007). His previous books and articles center on children, youth, families and the public. His current research projects focus on the family in the contest of disadvantaged urban neighborhoods, adolescent sexual behavior, cross national research on children’s well-being, and urban education. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Institute of Medicine.


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