

Date: 23 Feb 2016
Time: 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Asia Research Institute Seminar Room
469A Tower Block, #10-01, Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 259770

Contact Person: YEO Ee Lin, Valerie

Kala Benoa is a documentary film on the experiences of the Balinese in facing the looming reclamation of Benoa Bay in the island province of Bali. The case of Benoa Bay is one of the many struggles of local residents in facing land reclamation plans in Indonesian cities. Most of these reclamation plans, including the one in Bali, are framed as revitalization for the well-being of the majority. The film documents the potentials of environmental degradation and livelihood threats that come along with the reclamation project by developers and government actors. Benoa Bay reclamation plan covers 700 hectares of reclaimed land for mostly real estate development. According to the proponents of the project, which includes local government, central government and the developer, the development would bring economic benefits and job creation. Kala Benoa captures the struggles of local communities in Bali and their active role in responding to and in resisting the reclamation plan.

(Synopsis adapted from “Diskusi & Bedah Film Kala Benoa di RBK” by Hafiz Astari)

This film screening is part of the symposium “Reclaiming the City: Urban Social Movements and the Civil Societies in Indonesia”.


WatchdoC is an audiovisual production house that was established by two journalists, Andhy Panca Kurniawan and Dandhy Dwi Laksono in 2009. Since then, WatchdoC has produced 165 documentary films, 715 television features, and at least 45 other commercial and non-commercial videos that have obtained various awards.

Prior to joining WatchdoC, Andhy Panca Kurniawan was the Lead Editor of KBR Voice of Human Right and Saluran Informasi Akar Rumput (Grassroots Information Channel / SIAR). He was also the founder of Bakubae, a peace media in Maluku.

Dandhy Dwi Laksono is a journalist of print, radio, online and television media. He is the author of “Indonesia for Sale” and Jurnalisme Investigasi (Investigative Journalism). He is the founder of peace media in Aceh,



Admission is free. RSVP is encouraged to Valerie Yeo at