
Hong Kong Demographic Challenges: A Second Thought by Prof Paul Yip

Date: 01 Aug 2014
Time: 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Asia Research Institute Seminar Room
Tower Block, Level 10, 469A Bukit Timah Road
National University of Singapore @ BTC

Contact Person: ONG, Sharon

Jointly organized with Global Asia Institute, NUS


Prof Gavin W. Jones, J Y Pillay Comparative Asia Research Centre, Global Asia Institute, NUS.


Hong Kong has one of the world’s lowest fertility rates (1.2 children per woman) and highest life expectancies, 81 and 86 for men and women, respectively. In 2011, the city’s median age was 41.8 years, 9th highest in the world. Hong Kong is ageing and ageing fast. It is essential to have a holistic and integrated population policy to respond to the challenges. The population policy should not simply be a policy for economic growth; it should focus on enhancing well being of the population. Prof Yip will discuss the issues of removing barriers to fertility, attracting quality migrants and increasing labour productivity to ensure population and economic growth is consistent with sustainability of the environment.


Paul Yip  is a Professor of the Department of Social Work and Social Administration and the Director of the Centre of Suicide Research and Prevention at The University of Hong Kong. He is also a member of the Steering Committee on Population Policy and an associate member of the Central Policy Unit of the Hong Kong SAR Government. Among his many achievements, Prof Yip received the Stengel Research award in 2012 and the outstanding supervisor and researcher awards from the University of Hong Kong in 2011 and 2009 respectively. He has published extensively on population health and related areas.


Admission is free. We would greatly appreciate if you RSVP Sharon via email: