
INDO-CHINA STUDY GROUP – Women Sorcerers in Southeast Asia: Insights from the Cham “Muk Rija” by Prof Thanh Phan and Dr Mohamed Effendy

Date: 03 Apr 2014
Time: 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

ARI Seminar Room
Tower Block Level 10, 469A Bukit Timah Road
National University of Singapore @ BTC


Dr Chang Yufen, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore


Many examples exist in Southeast Asia about the roles that women play as intermediaries to supernatural power in traditional Southeast Asian society. In the Philippines, the Babaylan plays an important role as a seer and even a healer in Southeast Asian society and Vietnam, female mediums are important to possession ceremonies in Vietnamese temples. Even in Malaysia, females play an important role in the performance of the Makyong in Kelantan. Traditionally performed by women for entertainment or for ritual purposes, this example along with others, demonstrate that women in Southeast Asia have long been regarded as powerful entities in traditional Southeast Asia. In this presentation, Dr Thanh Phan and Dr Effendy will present the Muk Rija ceremony and the importance of the role of the female medium in Cham society in Vietnam. They are not only important conduits of supernatural power in Cham possession ceremonies but also perform other important functions in Cham ceremonial and ritual life.


Thanh Phan is the Vice Director for the Centre of Vietnamese and Southeast Asian Studies at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Viet Nam University -HCMC. An ethnic Cham from the Cham Bani (syncretic Muslim) community of Ninh Thuan province (Central Vietnam), he has published numerous works on Cham culture in Vietnam and has mentored many international researchers in their research about the Cham community in Vietnam. He will be here to deliver a series of public lectures, seminars, and graduate student classes as well as participate in a research collaboration meeting with faculty members and graduate students of FASS. He will also deliver presentations for The Malay-Heritage Centre, who are co-sponsors for these events.

Mohamed Effendy is a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Department of Southeast Asian Studies, National University of Singapore (NUS). He is the winner of several awards and prizes; the 2008 Daniel W.Y. Kwok Prize for Best Teaching Assistant Award in the History Department, University of Hawaii, the winner of the 2009 Daniel W.Y. Kwok Endowned Fund in History, the 2009 John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellowship in History, the 2010 Moscotti Fellowship at the University of Hawaii at Manoa and the 2011 LBKM (Lembaga Biasiswa Kenangan Maulud) Bursary. While at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Effendy also served as the 2007 to 2008 editor for Explorations in Southeast Asian Studies, a graduate student journal of Southeast Asian Studies. In 2008 – 2011, Effendy became a Graduate Teaching Assistant in the University of Hawaii at Manoa and taught classes on History, Southeast Asia and Muslim Studies. In 2011, Effendy became the teaching assistant for the Department of Southeast Asian Studies and also the Head tutor in charge of tutorials for SE1101 module “Southeast Asia: A Changing Region”. At present, he is a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Department of Southeast Asian Studies.


Admission is free. We would greatly appreciate if you RSVP Mr Jonathan Lee via email: