
INDONESIA STUDY GROUP – Corruption, Anti-Corruption in Indonesia’s Sukarno Era and Suharto Era: More of the Same? by Mr Vishnu Juwono

Date: 27 Feb 2014
Time: 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Asia Research Institute Seminar Room
Tower Block, Level 10, 469A Bukit Timah Road
National University of Singapore @ BTC

Organisers: MILLER, Michelle


Dr Robin Bush, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore. 


This presentation examines the pattern of corruption as well as a number anti-corruption initiative in Indonesia under Presidents Soekarno and Soeharto. It looked at the political dynamics and struggle between the army, Sukarno and technocrat group led by Vice President Hatta during the parliamentary democracy in 1949-1959 in the context of governance reform and anti-corruption initiatives. The commence of guided democracy in 1959 exuded the triumph of President Sukarno politically through a temporary alliance with the army before his downfall triggered by the failed coup attempt on 30 September 1965 by a rogue element of Indonesian military. This national incident gave a momentum to the Indonesian army led by General Soeharto in taking over presidency from Sukarno effectively in 1968.

This presentation also examines how the President Soeharto’s initial pledged to students in addressing corruption during his early period that in the end brought to the grave disappointment. This presentation subsequently looks at President Suharto management of the rivalries between technocrats, the army and nationalists during his reign in the struggle to attain the political influence and the patronage. It also look at how eventually Suharto consolidated, dominated Indonesia political scene, but followed by gradually losing his credibility amid the abuse of power became too obvious in mid-80s by providing inter alia a blatant protection and privileges to his relatives or family’s businesses. This was in the end, became one of the key factors that undermined President Suharto authority – also amplified by the major economic crisis – and led to his resignation in May 1998.

This research is utilize a number of primary sources such as interviews with some of political key players, diplomatic correspondence by FCO from Public Record Office in London (U.K.), Indonesia laws and regulations, and articles from the leading Indonesian newspaper as well as weekly magazine.


Vishnu Juwono is a Visiting Affiliate in the Asia Research Institute (ARI) in the National University Singapore (NUS) as part of his PhD research in the Department of International History in London School of Economics & Political Sciences (LSE), London, UK. He is also a lecturer in public administration at Faculty of Social & Political Sciences, University of Indonesia and he used to be working in the World Bank Indonesia on governance and anti-corruption issues as governance consultant in 2005 – 2008. He co-authored a book entitled Curbing Corruption in Indonesia in Indonesia, 2004 – 2006: A Survey of National Approaches which was published in 2006 by USINDO and CSIS, Jakarta.


Admission is free. We would greatly appreciate if you RSVP Mr Jonathan Lee via email: