
Participatory Practice?

Date: 06 Mar 2019
Time: 19:00 - 21:00

*SCAPE Level 5, *SCAPE Gallery
2 Orchard Link
Singapore 237978

Contact Person: TAY, Minghua

Organised by Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, and National Youth Council Singapore.


Come together with community leaders, researchers, and practitioners in an interactive dialogue about contemporary issues in media, design, sustainability, and civic participation. In this session on Participatory Practice, we will start by delving deeper into the many ways in which social media is transforming practices of youth activism, public communication, and civic engagement, particularly around issues of conservation and ecological sustainability. Meghan Downes, from the National University of Singapore’s Asia Research Institute, will introduce several cases from Indonesia, Singapore, and Australia to explore how everyday understandings of environmental problems and solutions are circulated through social media, advertising, and other popular cultural representations. Audience members will also be invited to share their own experiences and perspectives on issues like ‘clicktivism,’ ‘slacktivism,’ and online/offline civic engagement. Then, we will turn to the topic of local participatory design practices to further unpack the challenges and opportunities of navigating between online and offline methods. Mizah Rahman will share her experiences from Participate in Design (P!D), a non-profit design organisation that helps neighbourhoods and public institutions design community-owned spaces and solutions. Throughout the evening, there will be ample opportunity for audience involvement and relaxed discussion. When it comes to social media and participatory practice, everyone has valuable insights and expertise to share, as we find ways to create meaningful change together.


Moderator             Prof Ho Kong Chong | National University of Singapore

Prof Ho Kong Chong | National University of Singapore
Dr Meghan Downes | National University of Singapore, and Monash University, Australia
Ms Mizah Rahman | Participate in Design, and Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore


Meghan Downes is a visiting researcher in the Asian Urbanisms Cluster at the National University of Singapore’s Asia Research Institute and also teaches in the School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics at Monash University Australia. Her research areas include environmental humanities, urban youth, and the politics of media and popular culture, with a particular focus on contemporary Indonesia. She completed her PhD at the Australian National University, has previously held a postdoctoral fellowship at the National University of Singapore, and is the recipient of two Australian government Endeavour Awards for her doctoral and postdoctoral projects. She has also worked as a features reporter with The Jakarta Post and as a consultant and translator with Flora and Fauna International. Meghan is currently working on a project around the theme of Urban Youth and the Environment in a Mobile Asia, and will be sharing several case studies from this research at #WayFindingWed.

Mizah Rahman is a designer and community organizer who is a strong advocate for a participatory and community-centric approach in the design and planning of cities and neighbourhoods. She is the Co-founder and Executive Director of Participate in Design (P!D), a non-profit design organisation that helps neighbourhoods and public institutions design community-owned spaces and solutions. She is also currently an Associate Lecturer at Ngee Ann Polytechnic, School of Design and Environment, and was previously a researcher at the National University of Singapore’s Centre for Sustainable Asian Cities, where she was involved in urban planning and community-centric research projects with government agencies such as Housing Development Board and National Arts Council. Since the thesis for her Masters of Architecture at the National University of Singapore, Mizah’s portfolio of participatory-based works has expanded to include neighbourhood planning, public space design, and community art installations; all of which realised in partnership with grassroots organisations, educational institutions, civic groups and government agencies. Her standing in the participatory design field has seen her being invited to present at various local and international platforms including the New Cities Summit 2017, Asian Pacific Urban Youth Assembly organized by UN-Habitat, TedXBondUniversity and World Architecture Festival. She was a finalist in the Makers of More Challenge by Ashoka Changemakers, in 2015 and is nominated as a World Cities Summit Young Leader in 2018. She also sits on the executive committee at Singapore Heritage Society from 2017-2019.

Ho Kong Chong is Research Cluster Leader and Associate Professor in the Asian Urbanism Cluster in ARI and Department of Sociology at National University of Singapore (NUS). Prof Ho has research interests in neighbourhood and community development, heritage and place-making, the political economy of cities as well as a more recent interest in higher education. Much of his published work is on East (Hong Kong, Seoul and Taipei) and Southeast Asian (Bangkok and Singapore) cities. A firm believer in evidence-based policies, he has been research consultant and advisor to the Singapore Housing and Development Board, Ministry of National Development, Ministry of Social and Family Development, National Youth Council, the National Arts Council and the National Heritage Board.


Admission is free, and seats are available on a first come, first served basis. We would greatly appreciate if you click on the “Register” button above to RSVP.