
Population Dynamics and Climate Change in Asia: The Demography of Carbon Emissions by Dr Adrian Hayes

Date: 21 Apr 2014
Time: 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Asia Research Institute Seminar Room
Tower Block, Level 10, 469A Bukit Timah Road
National University of Singapore @ BTC


Professor Gavin W. Jones, J Y Pillay Comparative Asia Research Centre at the Global Asia Institute, National University of Singapore.


A Many perspectives, both scientific and popular, on the causes of anthropogenic climate change take a simplistic view of the role of population, either reducing it simply to a question of size and growth or ignoring it altogether. This presentation explores how changing population composition is contributing to greenhouse gas emissions, and how such insights can contribute to mitigation policies. The data used focus mainly on China, India and Indonesia. The discussion considers (among other things) urbanization in Asia, changing age structure, and the rise of the consuming classes, each in relation to climate change. It also suggests that a population perspective helps integrate the many human dimensions of climate change – economic, political, social and cultural, as well as demographic – into a common framework which can be used to guide policy formulation. Finally, we comment on the new generation of climate scenarios and how it promises to facilitate more productive involvement in the future of social scientists in climate research.


Adrian Hayes is a sociologist and demographer who has combined an active academic career with work as a development practitioner and consultant in Indonesia, China, Nepal, Cambodia and a number of other countries. Dr Hayes’ current research interests are in population, development, and climate change, focusing on links among population policy, governance, health and the environment, including the role of family planning. He has a long-standing interest in population and development policy in Indonesia, beginning with his time as a UN Advisor in the State Ministry of Population and Environment, 1988-90. During 1994-2000 he served as Coordinator for 10 population-related policy research studies conducted in Eastern Indonesia jointly by the ANU and LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Science), with funding from AusAID and the Government of Indonesia.


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