
Reassessing Ritual in Southeast Asian Studies

Date: 25 Feb 2013 - 26 Feb 2013

Centre for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS)
Kyoto University, Japan

This workshop is jointly organised with the Centre for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS) at Kyoto University, Japan.

Ritual and its importance in Southeast Asian cultures has long been a source of comment, stretching from the accounts of early Arab, Chinese and European travelers, to colonial officials and anthropologists. Academic discussions of ritual in the twentieth century were, however, often framed as a manifestation of local idiosyncrasy and of historical legacies that were fading in the face of accelerating modernization. Such views were often implicitly or explicitly informed by the particular historical experiences of post-Reformation Western Christianity, and this perspective served to turn much of the research focus on religion in Southeast Asia toward broader social movements for rationalizing religious reform. More recently, however, scholars working across diverse disciplines in the humanities in social sciences are developing new explorations of the ways in which ritual practice can serve to reconfigure human relationships even in the face of powerful trajectories of secularizing modernity. This workshop aims to build upon these broader conversations to rethink the ways in which the study of ritual might come to inform new research in Southeast Asian Studies.


Daniel PS Goh, National University of Singapore
Francis Lim Khek Gee, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Janet Hoskins, University of Southern California, USA
John Holt, Bowdoin College, USA
Julius Bautista, National University of Singapore
Justin McDaniel, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Mario Ivan Lopez, Kyoto University, Japan
Michael Feener, National University of Singapore
Ryoko Nishii, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan
Sehat Ihsan, State Islamic University of Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Tatsuki Kataoka, Kyoto University, Japan
Yasuko Yoshimoto, Kobe University, Japan
Yoko Hayami, Kyoto University, Japan

For more information about the programme, please visit the below link.


We would greatly appreciate if you RSVP to Masako Akedo via email: indicating your name, email, organisation/affiliation and contact number.


Workshop Convenors:

Assoc Prof R. Michael Feener, National University of Singapore
Prof Yoko Hayami, Kyoto University, Japan
Prof Carol Hau, Kyoto University, Japan