
Rethinking Asian Diplomacy: New Methodological and Thematic Interventions

Date: 01 Aug 2019

AS8, Level 4, Seminar Room 04-04
10 Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 119260
National University of Singapore @ KRC

Contact Person: YEO Ee Lin, Valerie

The Inter-Asia Engagements Cluster, a research cluster of ARI (Asia Research Institute, NUS) is hosting an interdisciplinary workshop of scholars working on developing new approaches, both methodological and thematic, in the study of Asian diplomacy. The primary objective of this workshop is to create an informal new research grouping of regional scholars (though not exclusive to) who engage, or are interested, in developing new approaches as part of an intellectual initiative to rethink critically Asian diplomacy, particularly from the perspective of regionally based scholars. We are interested in research dealing with intra-Asian diplomacy, as well as Asian diplomacy situated in global contexts. The workshop will consider how new approaches are being developed in the current research, from invited scholars who include historians, politics and international relations specialists, geographers, anthropologists, art historians, working on a variety of topics such as ‘diplomacy as theatre’, gender in diplomacy, an ethnography of ASEAN diplomacy, migration diplomacy, symbolic pageantry in Thai royal diplomacy, to name but a few. One of the key features of this workshop will be interdisciplinarity, and its importance in engendering new dialogues across disciplines, in order to germinate new ideas.

Participation in the closed-door workshop is limited and by invitation only. Kindly forward all enquiries to Ms Valerie Yeo at


Prof Naoko Shimazu
Asia Research Institute, NUS; and Yale-NUS College

A/P Elaine Ho
Asia Research Institute and Department of Geography, NUS

Dr Deepak Nair
Department of Political Sciences, NUS