
The Cunning of Uncertainty by Prof Helga Nowotny

Date: 19 Oct 2015
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

The Possibility Room, National Library Board Level 5
100 Victoria Street, Singapore 188064

Contact Person: YEO Ee Lin, Valerie

Uncertainty is inextricably interwoven and enacted in our notions and imaginaries of the future. Currently, the future appears as fragile and fragmented, a plural and contradictory mixture of desired and feared imaginations. Uncertainty is a powerful incentive in the striving for new knowledge and an inherent part of fundamental research.

Professor Nowotny will show how the cunning of uncertainty is at work in the various enactments of uncertainty. It is a subversive force, related to the cunning of reason, metis. The more the cunning of uncertainty is acknowledged and recognised, the less the need to feel threatened by uncertainty.


Admission is free, and seats are available on a first come, first served basis. We would greatly appreciate if you register your interest in attending to Ms Valerie Yeo via email: