
The Humanitarian Village, a Response to Small-medium Sized Disaster by Dr Yenny Rahmayati

Date: 09 Jul 2015
Time: 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Asia Research Institute Seminar Room
Tower Block Level 10, 469A Bukit Timah Road
National University of Singapore @ BTC

Contact Person: TAY, Minghua

Jointly organized by the Asian Urbanisms Cluster, and Indonesia Study Group, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore.


Dr Michelle Ann Miller, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore


The growing number of disasters occurred for the past decades has been increasing the number of studies on disaster subject. The topics are varies ranging from theory, mitigation and management, educations, as well as design and planning for post-disaster context. The demand for products for emergency response has also increased. Not limited to food, medicines, blankets and cloths that must be made available immediately following any catastrophic event, but survivors also need shelters. “The great mass of survivors must get a roof over their head, and quickly above all”.

Considering the important of providing shelters for survivors, the Centre for Design Innovation (CDI) of Swinburne University of Technology is embarking a research project called ‘Humanitarian village (Shelter+) Project (sanctuary from distress, community care). This project focused on community-led design for better temporary pop up shelter villages for people escaping highly distressing scenarios, particularly smaller to medium sized events such as flood and bushfires.

This research project aims to bridge the gap between donor agencies with manufacture companies on how to design and produce the emergency and temporary shelters in the humanitarian context. It will be focused on small to medium disasters. As a leading university who has strong collaboration with industry sector, CDI will also promote the Shelter+ models not only for the academic or humanitarian fields through related International Conferences but also promoting to manufacturing companies for the possibility of production.


Yenny Rahmayati is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow for Design and Community Development at Centre for Design Innovation of Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, under the Humanitarian Village (Shelter+) Project with Prof. Kurt Seeman. She is currently also involving in “Community-Led Disaster Relief and Care for the Elderly Project” together with A/P Takemi Sugiyama and A/P Kurt Seemann with the Australian-Japan Foundation grant scheme. Yenny received her PhD in Architecture from School of Design and Environment, National University of Singapore with the scholarship from the Asia Research Institute of National University of Singapore. She obtained her Master Degree in Sustainable Heritage Development and Management from The Australian National University. Her research focuses on cultural heritage, community development, disaster and reconstruction particularly on the socio-cultural implications of post-disaster housing projects.


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