
Trapped Between Traditional and Modern Roles: Single, Educated Women in Shanghai by Dr Ji Yingchun

Date: 22 Apr 2014
Time: 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

ARI Seminar Room
Tower Block Level 10, 469A Bukit Timah Road
National University of Singapore @ BTC


Prof Gavin Jones, Global Asia Institute, National University of Singapore.


In the recent several years, China’s single, educated women in big cities are castigated as “leftover” women if not yet getting married by late twenties. However, no solid evidence suggests that educated women are delaying or forgoing marriage, compared to equally educated men in China. This qualitative research intends to unfold the social constructed myth of “leftover” women. I conducted interviews in Shanghai to understand single, educated women’s motivation and desire towards marriage and how they cope with marriage pressure from their family and personal opportunities in their career development. The study also intends to link these women’s contradictions and struggles to the looming potential Second Demographic Transition in China. I investigate whether some of them will become innovators or pioneers of late/no marriage and alternative families in the nearly universal and early marriage context of China.


Ji Yingchun obtained her PhD degree in Sociology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, MA in Sociology from the University of Victoria and BA in Sociology from Nanjing University. She conducted her post-doctoral research at the School of Nursing at UNC-CH. Her research interests include social demography, family sociology and medical sociology.


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