
Whither Integration? Singapore’s Social Fabric at a Crossroad by Dr Leong Chan-Hoong

Date: 19 Feb 2013
Time: 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

ARI Seminar Room
Tower Block Level 10, 469A Bukit Timah Road
National University of Singapore @ BTC

Organisers: YEOH FBA, Brenda


Prof Brenda Yeoh, Asia Research Institute, Department of Geography and Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, National University of Singapore.


Singapore’s population has increased by over 25% in the last 10 years. Not surprisingly, the tectonic shift in the demographic landscape has unnerved some Singaporeans, judging from the recent surveys and anecdotal feedback. Singaporeans are said to be uncomfortable over the relentless influx of both long-term residents and transient labour. The resentment that underscores the discontent ranges from resource competition (e.g., jobs, education, space) to intrinsic socio-cultural contestations (e.g., identity, cohesion), and a perceived affective divide (e.g., government is biased in favour of immigrants over local-born).

The policymakers in the mean while closely monitor the emerging social fractures and where necessary, implement concrete measures to correct the imbalances. This includes a recalibration on the number of inbound foreign labour and long-term residents, strengthening of the social safety net, and the sharpening of policy differentiation for welfare and entitlement enjoyed by the different residential groups.

In-spite of the best efforts, the agony and simmering tension against the foreign-born remain seemingly unabated. Why is the immigration discourse so toxic? Where are the divides, if any? What are the driving forces that underpin the angst and anxiety of Singaporeans? What is the root is the problem?  What is the future of Singapore’s ethno-cultural terrain? Is there a silver lining to the debate? The speaker will present findings from the IPS integration survey and critically examine the above issues in light of the current social context.


Leong Chan-Hoong
 is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Policy Studies, and the Head of the Society and Identity Cluster. His research interests include attitudes to immigration, talent circulation, intergroup relations, and the management of cultural diversity. He has published widely on immigration and intercultural issues. Prior to his current employment, he was the Head of the Psychology Programme at the SIM University (UniSIM), and before that, a Post Doctoral Fellow at the Asia Research Institute (ARI), National University of Singapore. He was the Vice-Chairman for the 2010 REACH’s Policy Study Workgroup on integration matters. Dr Leong received his PhD Psychology from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, and a MSc in Statistics from the National University of Singapore.


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