Ageing Immigrants and Integration Over the Life Course in Singapore

This project investigates the integration experiences of older immigrants in Singapore (henceforth immigrant seniors) across the lifecourse, particularly how integration is impacted by their nationality backgrounds, time of migration, visa types, gender and other factors. Immigration research in Singapore has been predominantly trained on the experiences of working-age economic migrants, younger marriage migrants, or international students. We argue that the social invisibility of immigrant seniors needs to be redressed considering the economic contributions they had made earlier in their lifecourse and other kinds of societal roles they may take on later in life, such as through social reproduction that sustains productive activities and intergenerational relationships. Moreover, studying immigrant seniors provides insights into how integration evolves across the lifecourse as they progress towards older age; some may embed themselves more into the migrant-receiving society while others develop enhanced transnational ties with their homeland depending on their ageing needs. 

PI & Co-PI: Elaine Ho Lynn-Ee & Brenda S.A. Yeoh FBA

Funding Agency: Humanities and Social Sciences Seed Fund, NUS
Project Duration: 5 July 2022 – 4 December 2023