Chinese Epigraphy of Singapore: 1911–2019 and Chinese Epigraphy of Singapore: United Temples

These two linked projects gather and translate over 2000 inscriptions dating from 1911-2019 found in over 250 Chinese temples and associations in Singapore, as well as in 68 united or joint temples with over 350 temple units. This is a continuation of the earlier MOE Tier 2 funded research project that culminated in the publication of Kenneth Dean and Hue Guan Thye, Chinese Epigraphy of Singapore: 1819-1911, Singapore: NUS Press 2017. These projects will result in new volumes in this series. The data in this publication will be processed using TEI into an HTML database.

For more information, consult the Singapore Historical GIS website:

PI & Co-PI(s): Kenneth Dean, Hue Guan Thye, Caroline Chia & Xue Yiran

Funding Agency: The Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre
Project Duration: 2019 – 2023