Datuk Spirits in the City of a Thousand Temples: Chinese Indonesian Spirit-medium Practices and Ethnic Politics in Singkawang, West Kalimantan

This project comprehensively maps Chinese temples and spirit-medium altars in Singkawang and investigates the simultaneous reemergence of transnational temple networks, and the proliferation of hybrid inter-ethnic spirit possession practices. With long historical connections to China and overseas Chinese settlers and sojourners, Singkawang has experienced periods of intense connection as well as periods of rupture and relative isolation. In the context of the current post-Suharto era, a time of increased rights and freedoms for Chinese Indonesians, Singkawang is experiencing a major re-florescence of Chinese religious practice, including rites and rituals that are highly localized, involving the spirits of non-Chinese ethnic groups and forms that are transnationally influenced, such as membership in international temple networks. This double move which is simultaneously locally-generated, but also international in scope is the focus of this research.

For more information about 'Infrastructures of Faith: Religious Mobilities on the Belt and Road' (BRINFAITH), please click here.

PI: Emily Hertzman

Funding Agency: Collaborative Research Fund of the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (C7052-18G)
Project Duration: 2020 – 2022