Migrants in Global Cities: Experiences from Asia, The Gulf and Beyond

The primary goal of this grant was to fund a two-day workshop to be held in Paris in October 2018. The majority of the participants were from the Singapore workshop (October 2017) and participated with the aim to continue the discussion and engage in further partnership. The objective of this workshop was to discuss “migrants in global cities” through the comparative lens of experiences in global cities in Asia, the Middle East and Europe. Given the key expertise of the two partner institutes, the focus was on Dubai, Paris and Singapore but will not be limited to these cities.

PI & Co-PI(s): Brenda S.A. Yeoh & Delphine Pagès-El Karoui

Funding Agency: Merlion Programme & National University of Singapore
Project Duration: 1 April 2018 – 31 March 2020