
In July 2022, ARI established a “Research Partnership on Asian Infrastructures” with The Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien which is one of the institutes of the Max Weber Foundation. The Partnership is interested in infrastructures in a broad sense, including (but not only) knowledge networks, health infrastructures, migration infrastructures, port and other transport infrastructures, digital and financial infrastructure networks and nodes and China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The Research Partnership capitalizes on and will replace the Max Weber Foundation (MWS) Research Group on Borders, Mobility and New Infrastructures that was established in the NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences in June 2017. At ARI, coordination of the Research Partnership is overseen by Professors Tim Bunnell and James D Sidaway

The Asian MetaCentre for Population and Sustainable Development Analysis was established in 2000 with funding from The Wellcome Trust, UK. The centre was constituted through a collaborative effort between the Asia Research Institute (ARI) at the National University of Singapore; the College of Population Studies (CPS), Chulalongkorn University, Thailand and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria. The National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health (NCEPH), Australian National University, joined as principal collaborator in 2002. The Asian MetaCentre's headquarters is situated at the Asia Research Institute at NUS in Singapore and it aims to foster strong links to the "spoke" academic centres in South and Southeast Asia.

AMC is currently leading a research project titled “CHAMPSEA: Transnational migration in Southeast Asia and the health of children left behind”, funded by The Wellcome Trust. The CHAMPSEA Project investigates the impact of parental transnational migration on the health and well-being of left-behind children in the context of four Southeast Asian countries (Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam). The key goal of the project is to understand whether left-behind children are more vulnerable to poor health outcomes, or in what way, when and under what circumstances they benefit and/or suffer from the absence of parents. It is the first study to examine the reconfiguration of support systems after parental migration and the impact on child health/well-being in South-east Asia.

The African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Observatory on Migration is an initiative of the Secretariat of the ACP Group of States, empowered by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and funded by the European Union with the financial support of Switzerland. Its goal is to establish a network of research institutions and governmental entities dealing with migration in the six regions of the ACP Group of States, namely West Africa, Central Africa, East Africa, Southern Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific. Activities will start in 12 pilot countries (Angola, Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, Kenya, Lesotho, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Senegal, Tanzania, Timor-Leste and Trinidad and Tobago) but it is foreseen that other countries will join the process. The Observatory will be able to produce much needed data on South-South ACP migration flows for migrants, researchers, civil society, general public, governments and policy-makers. It will rely on the work of research institutions and private researchers from different backgrounds (universities, research centers, public institutions).

ARI joined the Observatory on 23 February 2011.  With this partnership, ARI and the ACP Observatory on Migration will exchange information and expertise, and explore further avenues of collaboration.

The International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG), formerly the International Poverty Centre, is supported by the Poverty Practice, Bureau for Development Policy, UNDP and the Government of Brazil. The Centre's mission is to facilitate South-South learning in development solutions by fostering policy dialogue; carrying out policy-oriented research; as well as conducting training and evaluation. Its vision is the attainment of high inclusive growth. IPC is directly linked to the Secretariat for Strategic Affairs (SAE), the Federative Republic of Brazil and SAE's Institute for Applied Economic Research (IPEA), which is a distinguished research establishment.

International Centre for Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies

The International Centre for Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies serves as the institutional foundation to maintain a permanent international scholarly presence in Aceh, facilitating ongoing research on both this region, and broader thematic issues that can be fruitfully examined in the context of contemporary Aceh. Furthermore, the Centre provides a valuable resource for the Acehnese intellectual community.