Hawker Food Fans

Professor Lily Kong loves hawker food so much that even a fainting spell could not stand between her and a bowl of her favourite pig's organ soup from Tiong Bahru Market. The fit of dizziness happened in 1989, when the National University of Singapore (NUS) vice-provost (education) was at the market for breakfast. She had just returned the night before from a wintry London, where she was pursuing her doctoral degree, and says the sudden weather change and jet lag made her go weak in the knees. Eyes widening, the 42-year-old says: 'I was thinking, 'Oh no, I'm going to faint.' So I immediately sat down to rest. But as soon as I felt well enough, I was off buying all the hawker food I'd been craving...

The Straits Times, 16 December 2007, p74