Dealing with differences

Dr Lai Ah Eng, Asia Research Institute at NUS, believed that the way forward is for the state to step back and expand the space for people to discuss religion and race more openly. By LI Xueying, Political Correspondent, The Straits Times, 29 July 2011

Citizen unity amid Singaporean’s diversity

Dr Lai Ah Eng, a Senior Research Fellow at the Asia Research Institute, and Instructor of the Religions in The Contemporary World module of the University Scholars Programme at NUS, discussed how religious diversity is navigated in Singapore. The Straits Times, 14 June 2011

Chua Beng Huat interviewed by The Daily NNA (Singapore & ASEAN Edition)

26 May 2011 A Japanese newsletter interviewed Professor Chua on the recent Singapore elections. NNA publish The Daily NNA, The Weekly NNA and provide access to and maintain the Online Database, NNA Power. Business stories are reported daily with weekly summaries depending on subscribers subscription commitment.Additional access to the Database for specific information is offered. …

Chua Beng Huat interviewed by The Daily NNA (Singapore & ASEAN Edition) Read More »

Jean Yeung interviewed by The Sunday Times – Single But Not Spoilt

Single but no spoilt (thesundaytimes, Sunday 01 August 2010) Experts say there is little proof to suggest that an only child will grow up to be a pampered brat. Brand manager Eileen Keh does not subscribe to the common belief that an only child will grow up to be pampered and spoilt. By LIN Wenjian thesundaytimes (lifestyle)

Maznah Mohamad interviewed by The Straits Times – How average Malay Malaysian is faring today

It used to be that whenever it came to election time in Malaysia, the country’s ruling party Umno would gets its community development workers to fan out to all the hamlets on bicycles and on foot to take the political temperature and assure villagers that Umno was the best doctor for them, taking care of …

Maznah Mohamad interviewed by The Straits Times – How average Malay Malaysian is faring today Read More »

Jean Yeung interviewed by The Sunday Times – Sexually Suggestive Dolls Sold Openly

Would you let your child play with this? (thesundaytimes, Sunday 16 May 2010) Sexually suggestive dolls sold openly could influence children’s sexual behaviour, experts warn. If you think bimbotic Barbie dolls are bad enough role models, think again. Dolls for little girls have become even more brazen in ways that have behavioural experts alarmed. By Serene Luo thesundaytimes


2008年,刚出道的SHINee让人觉得他们还是很稚嫩,在短短两年内,今天,他们脱胎换骨,逐渐走向成熟型男的风格。无论是外貌、歌艺、服饰还是舞蹈,看到这五名大男生如此完美的体现,谁能够抵挡这股来势汹汹的吸引力。后来,你会愕然发现,成员中年龄最小的只有17岁。… 专研东亚流行音乐的新加坡国立大学亚洲研究所研究员廖继权表示,本地电视曾举办《校园SuperStar》,学生要当明星的心愿已不再是遥不可及的梦想,大家发现,”偶像的年纪不一定要比自己大”。由于年龄相近,SHINee的出现拉近了和粉丝们的距离,他们既是偶像,也像朋友。… Courtesy of Omy Young News