Professor Joanne Roberts appointed Chair of the Asia Research Institute management board

Professor Joanne Roberts has been appointed Chair of the Asia Research Institute’s management board, assuming her role in July 2024. She succeeds ARI’s long-serving former Chair, Professor Chong Chi Tat.

Prof Roberts is the third President and Professor of Social Sciences (Economics) at Yale-NUS College. Prior to becoming president, she served as the College’s Executive Vice President (Academic Affairs) from 2018 to 2022 and has been a member of the ARI board since 1st January, 2021.

Prof Roberts completed her undergraduate training in economics at the University of Waterloo and her graduate work at Queen’s University in Canada. In 1998, she joined the faculty at the University of Toronto, and in 2008, the University of Calgary, before joining Yale-NUS as Associate Dean (Faculty Development) in January 2017.

As a public economist, she has published papers in journals such as American Economic ReviewReview of Economic StudiesThe Journal of Public Economics and International Economic Review.

Alongside her role on the management board at ARI, Prof Roberts serves on the advisory panel of NINEby9, advancing gender parity in Asia, and has served on the jury of the Steward Leadership 25 awards and the board of the Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association.

We are fortunate to be able to draw upon Prof Roberts’ wealth of experience and look forward to a new phase of development under her management and leadership.