ARI hosts several interns from partner universities during the summer. Interns will typically be attached to one department, but this varies based on office needs and their particular interests and skills. Interns may be asked to assist with some tasks and events with other departments, while some of our interns are attached directly to the clusters where they provide research assistance. Learn more about our interns and their stint with us here.

Andy Chun Hei Yeung
1 June to 2 July 2019
from The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Andy Chun is currently a third year undergraduate majoring in Philosophy, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chinese University of Hong Kong. During his two-month attachment at ARI, he will be assisting with events and IT related work.

Puma Poon Ho Chun
10 June to 2 August 2019
from The City University of Hong Kong
Puma Poon is an undergraduate majoring in English Studies at the City University of Hong Kong. During his two-month attachment at ARI, he will be assisting with events and IT related work.

Annie Tran Lien Khanh Hoa
24 June to 6 September 2019
from the University of British Columbia
Annie Tranh is an undergraduate student majoring in International Economics, Vancouver School of Economics, University of British Columbia. While at ARI she was research assistant attached to the Asian Migration cluster.

Eugene Tan Rui Lie
24 June to 11 August 2019
from Singapore Management University
Eugene Tan is an undergraduate student majoring in Political Science and Sociology, Singapore Management University. While at ARI he was research assistant attached to the Asian Migration cluster.