
KARIB, Fathun
Dr Fathun Karib is a joint appointment postdoctoral fellow under the ARI-DIJ Research Partnership on Asian Infrastructures and affiliated to the Inter-Asia Engagements and Science, Technology, and Society clusters at Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore.
Dr Karib previously worked as a sociology lecturer at the Department of Sociology, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. He holds a PhD in Sociology from the State University of New York at Binghamton. His current research interests are energy and environmental history, critical agrarian studies, Anthropocene/Capitalocene, political economy of disaster, commodity frontiers, and the history of geology as a science.
While at ARI, he will work on a research project titled “Global Gasification: The Emergence of the Indonesian Natural Gas Frontier and the Making of Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipelines (1970s – Present)”. This project is part of his dissertation, Living in the Ruins of the Capitalocene, which is being developed into a book manuscript.