

Research Fellow
Religion and Globalisation

Dr Michel Chambon commenced his appointment as Research Fellow with the Religion and Globalisation Cluster on 8 October 2021.

He has a PhD in Anthropology from Boston University. He is a French Catholic theologian and a cultural anthropologist interested in Christianity in Asia. He has published research on the agency of Christian buildings, Chinese Pentecostalism, and Chinese Catholic nuns. His most recent book, “Making Christ Present in China Actor-Network Theory and the Anthropology of Christianity”, examines the five Christian denominations of Nanping (Fujian Province) to question the ways social science theorizes the unity and diversity of Christianity. He is coordinating the Initiative for the Study of Asian Catholics His current research projects examine the materialisation of Christianity within Taiwanese households, as well as the expansion of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta across the Asia Pacific region. Michel’s portfolio can be viewed online at: