Annual Reports

ARI Annual Report 2008


Prof Lily Kong

The last year at ARI has been a full and busy one. The calendar of seminars, roundtables, workshops, and conferences, as always, continues to be packed. Visitors continue to come to ARI on a regular basis, and scarcely a month passes without several enquiries from interested researchers and students from different parts of the world, seeking to spend some time at ARI. With the help of technology, we now know that there is an average of 10,000 visits to our working paper site per month. New research areas are being explored.

Within NUS, collaborations have stepped up with related Faculties, in the form of joint seminars and workshops, joint publications, joint projects, and joint appointments. The research clusters in ARI and the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences are working well together.

Beyond NUS, collaborations with international scholars and institutions, co-publications, and jointly organised workshops are a matter of course. A new book series has been developed jointly with the international publisher Springer. Titled the ARISpringer Asia Series, proposals and manuscripts on cities, migration and religion are warmly welcomed from all who work on these issues. All of the energy and activity of the last year, as captured in this annual report, are the result of the hard work of many people: the research leaders, the research fellows, the visiting fellows, the postdoctoral fellows, the research assistants, the administrative team, and our partners in research beyond ARI. Apart from the personal scholarly achievements and general satisfaction this must represent, the collective effect is an institute that is abuzz with intellectual and social life…