
Ethnic and Racial Studies – Special Issue: Migration and New Racism: Beyond Colour and the “West” (Volume 45, Issue 4)

Author: ANG Sylvia, HO Elaine Lynn-Ee, YEOH Brenda S. A. (Guest Eds)
Publication Date: Jan / 2022
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Online

Studies of racism against migrants have recently attempted to move away from the presumed dichotomy between whites and “Others”, yet the focus is still on white people racialising others: whether Black, Asian or Muslim. Attending only to white versus Others homogenizes select groups of non-whites including Asians. Racialization and racism by Asians and among Asians have also been ignored. Consequently, there is a dearth of studies on issues of race in non-white settings. Through engaging the themes of co-ethnicity, intersectionality and postcoloniality, this special issue contributes to extant studies in three ways through 1) examining new geographical sites of racialization and racism; 2) illuminating racialization and racism beyond the white/Other binary; and 3) introducing new dynamics in racialization and racist discourses, including intersectional factors such as nationality, class, gender, language, religion, temporal framings and postcoloniality.

From ARI Workshop on “New Racism and Migration: Beyond Colour and the ‘West’”, 16-17 January 2020.