
INTER-ASIA ROUNDTABLE 2012 – Methodological and Conceptual Issues in Cyber Activism Research

Author: CHUA Beng Huat , Sun JUNG , Jonathan BENNEY , MAROLT Peter
Publication Date: Jun / 2012
Publisher: Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore


The Inter-Asia Roundtable is one of ARI’s annual flagship events. Each Roundtable selects and focuses on an area of research that is emergent and/or that has potentially high impact in Asia. This particular roundtable Roundtable on cyber-activism is the fourth in the series and was held on 30-31 August 2012 by ARI’s Cultural Studies in Asia Cluster. The theme of this eventIts theme is partly motivated by the events that have occurred and are occurring around the world and partly by the work of several individuals in ARI on social media, cyber-activism and other modes of Internet activism.


Author/Speaker:CHUA Beng Huat Sun JUNG Jonathan BENNEY MAROLT Peter