
International Journal of Cultural Studies – Transnational Television (Vol.14 No.3)

Author: LIEW Kai Khiun & TAY Jinna
Publication Date: Apr / 2011
Publisher: Sage Journals

This special issue brings together a range of articles exploring the changing trends of television culture s in contemporary Asia over the past decade. \Vith the process of de­regulation and privatization of national broadcasting rights, coupled with the intensifica­tion of the rate of penetration of cable, satellite and digital communicative technologies; the experience of television viewing is becoming increasingly diffused and pluralized. The impact has been particularly accelerated in Asia, as evinced by the mpid liberaliza­tion of its media industries over the last two decades and the manner in which it has significantly freed up its airspace. Increasingly, private and even state broadcasters arc compelled to fill the time slots with more programmes so as to generate revenues from advertisements. As broadcasting stations compete in importing external contents from popular American productions and other regional productions, locally made productions no longer define a country’s telcvisionscapc.