
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies – Special Issue: In and Out of Asia: The Cultural Politics of Talent Migration (Vol. 37 No. 5)

Author: YEOH Brenda S,A, & HUANG Shirlena (guest eds)
Publication Date: Mar / 2011
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Online

The Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (JEMS) publishes the results of first-class research on all forms of migration and its consequences, together with articles on ethnic conflict, discrimination, racism, nationalism, citizenship and policies of integration. Contributions to the journal, which are all fully refereed, are especially welcome when they are the result of comparative research, for example within Europe or between one or more European country and the countries of North America and the Asia-Pacific.
has a long-standing interest in informed policy debate and contributions are welcomed which seek to develop the implications of research for policy innovation, or which evaluate the results of previous initiatives. The journal is also interested in publishing the results of theoretical work. Potential contributors may find detailed information on submission on the ‘Instructions for Authors’ webpage.