
Rights and Virtues

Author: TURNER Bryan Stanley
Publication Date: Nov / 2007
Publisher: Bardwell Press, Oxford, UK

Bryan Turner’s writing on citizenship and human rights has placed him at the forefront of sociological research in this area. Over the last three decades his essays and other contributions have led to a fundamental reconsideration of the debate about individual and social rights in social theory. His work compares in its breath and scope with that of his classical forebears, Weber and Durkheim. It offers a contemporary pertinence to questions that go to the heart of the matter, and grasp the fundamental problematics of citizenship and human rights in a globalised and post Cold War world.

The subjects covered in this major new work by Turner include the debate about modern citizenship inspired by T.H. Marshall, the globalisation of human rights, national sovereignty, the relationship between religion and conceptions of rights, participation and exclusion, and the concept of social virtue.