
SOJURN Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia – Special Section: Global Catholicism in Southeast Asia: Mobilities and Networks ( Vol. 35, No. 2)

Author: BROWN Bernardo E. & TRAN Claire Thi Liên
Publication Date: Jul / 2020
Publisher: ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute

This special section emerges from the collaborative program “Intersecting Mobilities: Southeast Asia from the Perspective of Religious Mobility”, which gathered scholars from the Asia Research Institute (ARI, National University of Singapore), the Institute of Research on Contemporary Southeast Asia (Irasec) and the Université de Paris/Inalco, as well as several others who actively participated in a series of three workshops held in Penang, Chiang-Mai and Nagasaki. The essays presented here evolved from the first workshop on Christian networks held in Penang in December 2017.