
The Many Ways of Being Muslim: Fiction by Muslim Filipinos

Author: Barry COELI
Publication Date: 2008
Publisher: Anvil Press, Manila & Cornell University Southeast Asia Program Publication, New York, USA

This collection brings together for the first time 22 short stories by nine Muslim Filipinos written over nearly seven decades, beginning in the 1940s. Muslims are a minority in the predominantly Catholic Philippines and the integration of Muslims into this nation has been uneven. As the stories in this anthology reflect, there is no simple or single way to capture the complex ways Muslims from different backgrounds – but especially those from the college-educated middle classes – interact with and help define contemporary Filipino identity and intellectual life. Few Muslims have seen their work anthologized in major short story collections in the Philippines: this anthology, possibly the biggest assemblage of Muslim Filipino fictionists, is intended to give readers in the Philippines and elsewhere a chance to read and enjoy their writings.