
Theory, Culture & Society- Special Issue: Problematizing Global Knowledge Vol. 23 No. 2-3

Publication Date: 2006
Publisher: SAGE Publications, USA
Keywords: Critical theory

Note: Currently on Display shelves but afterwards, will be filed alphabetically with Journals under “T” for Theory.
Library holdings: 1 copy
ISSN: 02632764

In this special issue we seek to refocus attention on these questions and address the topicof the globalization of knowledge and its critique. As will become clearer in this introduction,the development of the New Encyclopaedia Project has enabled us to think through theseissues about the production and circulation of knowledge in a way which opens up a moredialogical space of engagement with different globalizing knowledges and their modes ofauthorization. In considering these questions, we are trying to use, in what we hope proves tobe a new way, an old form, namely, the encyclopaedia. A great deal of discussion andexperimentation has gone into both the epistemological and the practical problems of how toreactivate this form as a forum for critique and for the production of new knowledge thatwould reflect the plurality of perspectives and interests that emerge in the flux of globalizationand digitalization. Our overall goal is to open up the process of production and authorizationof knowledge to greater questioning, along with the generation of new agendas forresearch that are sensitive to the broader questions of relevance, authority and publiceducation.

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