ARI Working Paper Series

WPS 105 Trends in Age at Marriage in the Provinces of Indonesia

Author: Gavin W. JONES, Bina GUBHAJU
Publication Date: Jun / 2008
Publisher: Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
Keywords: Indonesia, marriage patterns, inter-provincial differences, 2005 Inter-Censal Survey


Earlier studies in Indonesia have shown that though age at marriage has been rising gradually over a number of decades, Indonesia is still characterized by considerable early marriage, as well as substantial numbers delaying marriage until into their 30s.  Urbanization and educational development have been key factors associated with the increase in age at marriage. Considerable variation in marriage patterns between provinces and urban and rural areas is also evident given wide regional variations in economy, culture and living conditions. This paper will elaborate on inter-provincial differences in age at marriage in Indonesia, drawing on the most recently available data, from the 2005 Inter-Censal Survey. The survey had a question on age at marriage, invaluable for the analysis of changing age at marriage for different cohorts, as well as the usual information on marital status by age.