ARI Working Paper Series

WPS 14 The Internet’s Political Impact and the Penetration/Participation Paradox in Malaysia and Singapore

Author: Cherian GEORGE
Publication Date: Nov / 2003
Publisher: Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
Keywords: internet, technology, politics, society, social movements, opposition, dissent, democracy, journalism, media, Malaysia, Singapore

The utilization of a communication technology for contentious political communication may depend on factors other than its level of diffusion. Accordingly, a country with lower penetration levels for a medium may, paradoxically, exhibit more sophisticated usage of that medium for dissenting journalism than a country with higher penetration. This penetration/participation paradox is seen in the case of Malaysia and Singapore. Singapore is significantly ahead in terms of network availability, but it is Malaysia that has the more developed contentious journalism online.

The paradox cannot be explained by the two countries’ regulatory regimes, which are more similar than different. Instead, the differences can be accounted for by traditional social networks that help to organize online dissent, and the motivation to use available technology in creatively political ways – both of which are greater in Malaysia than in Singapore.

This case study highlights the importance of social and political context in shaping the impact of new communication technologies.

Full text is not available, the paper will be published in Media Culture & Society 27 (6).