ARI Working Paper Series

WPS 165 News Media and Global Influence: The Story of China and India

Author: Suruchi MAZUMDAR
Publication Date: Oct / 2011
Publisher: Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
Keywords: global news flow, transnational news media, state subsidy, soft power, Chinese capitalism, counter-hegemony


In recent times both China and India have challenged the hegemony of developed countries in global news and information flow. Indian software and entertainment companies have tapped the large diaspora in overseas markets (Straubhaar, 2010). The Chinese news media have made international inroads through foreign investment for greater voice in the global platform (Shambaugh, 2010; Zhang, 2009). This paper analyses the Chinese news media’s potential of success in global markets and the Indian state and private news companies’ apparent lack of enthusiasm in having global news media. The two countries’ news media’s counter-hegemonic potential and the possibility of their influence in the global news and information flow are analysed.