ARI Working Paper Series

WPS 190 Modern Hindu Intellectuals and Ancient Texts: Reforming Saiva Yoga in Bali

Author: Andrea ACRI
Publication Date: Oct / 2012
Publisher: Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
Keywords: Balinese Hinduism, Agama Hindu, Old Javanese, Sanskrit, Yoga

This paper aims at providing a fresh perspective on the modern, reformed version of ‘Balinese Hinduism’ that came to the fore on the island since the early 20th century. It describes certain important elements of doctrinal continuity and change in the light of the pre-colonial Śaiva religious discourse, on the basis of textual and historical data that have so far been neglected. It attempts to show that the Javano-Balinese theological tradition is characterized by a remarkable continuity, especially when it comes to its exegetical and text-building practices, but also by important elements of changes. To investigate the nature of such changes—in particular the treatment of Yoga in selected textual sources—and the historical and cultural dynamics behind them is the main concern of this article.

Full text is not available, this working paper is withdrawn, as it has now been published as ‘Modern Hindu Intellectuals and Ancient Texts: Reforming Śaiva Yoga in Bali’, VBijdragen tot de Taal-, land- en Volkenkunde, 169/1 (2013), pp. 1-36.